Så kom det største og mest betydningsfulde Rock-band - Led Zeppelin - ind på Spotify!!!!!!!!!!!!! Først Metallica, så Pink Floyd og nu dem. Så mangler vi Beatles og AC/DC :-)
Her er nyheden sakset fra Spotify News:
We’re very,
very excited to announce that Led Zeppelin is now streaming exclusively on
Nearly 45
years after the release of Led Zeppelin – the astonishing debut that catapulted
the band to rock superstardom – Led Zeppelin’s legendary catalog is now
available to stream on demand for the first time ever, only on Spotify.
releasing two albums per day this week, starting today with Led Zeppelin and
its almighty follow up, Led Zeppelin II. By Sunday, December 15, the full Led Zeppelin album catalog will be
available to play as often as you like. Follow Led Zeppelin on Spotify now and
we’ll let you know as soon as the next albums drop
Tak til:
Jimmy Page - Guitar
Robert Plant - Sang
John Paul Jones - Bas
John Bonham - Trommer
Så nu er det hjem og skrue op for Led Zeppelin.
Bandet har forøvrigt solgt mere end 300.000.000 albums (ja,
der stod 300 millioner!) - det er der nok en grund til - lyt til albums'ne:
I (1969), II (1969), III (1970), IV (1971) og Houses of the
Holy (1973): 5 kæmpe fede albums i streg (deres 5 første).
Led Zeppelin's hjemmeside - http://www.ledzeppelin.com/
Spotify -
Led Zeppelin på Wikipedia -